Saturday, May 5, 2012

Showing Love Through Love

Amy and I, Valentines Day 2012
Where has this guy been? 

Truth be told...Life has been busy yo. This has been a season of chaos, and of restoration. It's a beautiful mess, and I both love and hate it.

So let me talk about something I love, or should I say, some one. Her name is Amy.

Now, if I could be honest about my past, especially in the area of romance...I'm not proud of it. I'm extremely ashamed about the wounds I inflicted.

However through Amy, God has said to me one thing: 

When Amy first met me, I was like Naomi in Ruth 1:20 when she said, "Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me." I was bitter, tired, worn out, upset and confused. I still am, too. I do not feel like good company sometimes, and I've told her that. Her reply blew me away: "Steve, I don't see you like that, I see you like you."

Our relationship for me has brought up many wounds in my heart about the past -- bitter memories and regrets -- and over and over again, Amy has reminded me of this truth. "That is not you." 

If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. 
The old has passed away, behold, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The amazing thing about the Cross of Jesus is that on it was nailed every sin of every human who trusts in Him, whether past, present or future. The Christian walk starts and is maintained by that essential truth.


In Jesus, God looks at us and all we offer with a nod of approval saying, "Enough!" because Jesus' offering is what completes us, makes us whole and makes us clean.

In Jesus, we are new. We have a new heart, and a new nature. We have a deep desire saying, "Yes" to Him and "No" to sin.

In Jesus, it's not just about following laws and rules, it's about following Him. It's not just about living a holy life, it's about looking at Jesus as life, because HE is the one who first makes us holy.

In Jesus, there's no condemnation, no shame, no running, and no hiding behind fig leaves and fake smiles. There's just life, love, forgiveness and acceptance.

In Jesus, nothing separates us from the warm embrace of the God of the universe -- no angel, no demon, no sin, and no lie.

This is the truth: His name is Jesus. He is crazy in love with us, and He has made us whole.