Let them thank the LORD for his steadfast love,
for his wondrous works to the children of man!
For he shatters the doors of bronze
and cuts in two the bars of iron." -Psalm 107:15-16
I thought this verse was a really appropriate verse to send out with my latest e-mail update to my partners. Right now I am in the midst of raising support for full-time ministry and I am also going through a physical trial right now with a knee injury. I thought that verse was really encouraging for me because it felt like a confirmation that God is going to help me break through these trials that I'm in.
However later on that night, I felt compelled to read the whole psalm only to find that I was wrong in my interpretation of what those verses actually said!
If you read the CONTEXT of this verse, you'll find that it is not talking about God delivering someone from immense trials, but from the immense bondage of SIN that they brought upon themselves in their own rebellion and stupidity. When I first came to Christ, that was an issue that took me a long time to fully understand. However, I found that the closer I came to Christ and the more I grew in Him, the more I realized how horrible I really am!
Sin is serious. The bonds of it are strong and we CANNOT break free from them, no matter how hard we try using every method, every program, every accountability software, every Alcoholics Anonymous program, every medication. Nothing is working! For the record, I am not saying you shouldn't use these things if you have these issues. God can and will use these things to help us break free.
However what that passage is saying is when we come to God acknowledging these iron bonds, bars and doors that we have brought on ourselves and our need to be set free by God, He will! Jesus Christ on that cross bore that wrath of sin and paid the penalty of death for us, and through acknowledging our need for Him and declaring Him the Lord of our lives, He can and will set us free. That is His promise to us when we believe in Him!
Let me close with words from the classic hymn, "And Can It Be (Amazing Love)"
"Long my imprisoned spirit lay,
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray—
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee."
May you rise and go forward, following Christ in everything!
God bless,
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