This post is dedicated to all my partners in ministry. You know who you are! Thanks for your support!

I definitely know what that is like. Oftentimes in my prayer life and thought patterns I can be like that, saying, "God, please do this, I'm stressed about that, this person worries me..." I can be such a pessimist, which is why I'm thankful for those friends of mine who tell me to "lighten up and quit worrying so much."
This past weekend I took a bunch of college students to a preview weekend for EDGE Corps, the program I've been involved in. The weekend was great fun and I felt like I encouraged a lot of students, especially those who were nervous about the fundraising aspect of the job. Surprisingly, in sharing with them I found myself encouraging one person: ME!
So here is a list of recent blessings for me in raising support these past few months:
- Financially speaking, I have raised 97% of my part-time salary in monthly pledges.
- I have housing closer to the ECSU campus, which has been graciously provided by one of my partners at a discounted rate (SEE PHOTO!)
- I have a part-time job to make ends meet for me financially, which one of my partners helped me get.
- I have had some great meetings with people: getting to know them, their families, their ministries, their burdens, etc.
- I got chances to catch up with old friends when I called them/met up with them.
- I have gotten to know friends a lot better through support meetings and continual communication with them.
-I have gotten much closer to some of my family members.
- Members of both my immediate and extended family have been blessed, encouraged and are getting drawn closer to Jesus since I started raising support.
-I have loving parents who are incredibly supportive of my ministry and help me out so much I actually have to sometimes decline their hospitality!
-Hundreds of partners are praying and interceding for me. There is one partner in particular who taped my picture to the right bottom corner of his computer screen so every time he sits down to use it, he takes a moment to pray for me!
So to my partners. My FRIENDS. THANK YOU! I thank God for you and your eagerness to support, to pray and to sacrifice for the good of the Kingdom. I rejoice over the fact that I am partners with you. I cannot do it alone. Of course I need Jesus' power in my life, but part of Jesus' empowerment in this ministry comes through great people like you!
Thank you all! God bless you!
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