Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Working Just at ECSU

A tough decision made recently was for me to work ONLY at Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU), not at Manchester Community College (MCC). I came to this decision last month, when I came to a point of feeling overwhelmed by the number of hats I was wearing and the number of new and exciting things I was learning. Jeff Kraines, my campus director and boss, suggested it when I was sharing with him my frustrations and struggles.

I'll start with the hats....Last year I worked at Sports Authority four days a week from 6:00am to 1:00pm, I worked at ECSU once or twice a week, I worked at Manchester Community College, I made funding phone calls and met with partners, I volunteered at my local church, and I helped out at a local youth group.

Sounds like a lot of hats, right? The temptation sometimes in serving Christ is to over-serve. I want to serve Christ and make Him known, but I am only one man! I can only serve in the capacity that I am allowed. As soon as I start feeling overwhelmed and drained, something is wrong. I had to also say goodbye to the youth group I was volunteering at last year for the same reason. Saying, "No", to things is something I'm learning more about. In serving Christ in whatever capacity, I want to give 100%, knowing full well that God will bless it, not just doing it under compulsion because it's my "obliged Christian duty."

At the same time, I am very excited about this decision, because I get to put more focus on my alma mater. ECSU means a lot to me and it is a school I love very much. How I long to see more men and women there who are excited about seeking and serving Jesus!

So for the time being, it's just Eastern. I'm working with some students over there, and others who also go to local community colleges who come to the Christian club on campus. I reach out to non-Christian students, showing them that I'm not some freak just out to complete an agenda, but a friend who desires to get to know them and at the same time show them Jesus Christ. It's harder, it's slower, it's more time consuming, but I pray that it will be worth it. I'm also mentoring some Christian students on campus in both small group and one-on-one relationships. Thanks for your prayers and support!

Serving with you,


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