So first of all, it's been awhile. My mom, who is this blog's number one fan, checks this blog daily and the other day she said to me, "Steve, you haven't written in this in awhile!" So Mom...this one's for you!
Lots has been going on. I went off for training in mid-June for a program called EDGE Corps (Evangelizing, Discipling, Growing, and Experiencing). It's a program with a non-profit organization called The Navigators. Through the program I'll be working at Eastern Connecticut State University (ECSU), a school I recently graduated from, and Manchester Community College (MCC). I'll mostly be at ECSU and I will be working with college students on a small-scale and relational basis. If they're not Christians, my hope is to meet them where they're at in their doubts, fears and struggles and to look at them not as projects, but as people made in the image and likeness of Christ. My hope is to, of course, draw them closer to Christ. If they're Christians, my hope is to encourage them in their faith and to turn them not just into a passive follower who absorbs information, but someone who actively lives it out for the Kingdom.
Since coming back from a ten-day training session there, I have been steadily raising support through meetings with people, phone calls and sending out letters. Above all, I've just been trusting God for provision.
Has it been easy? I'd be totally lying if I said yes, however it has been a fun and interesting growing experience. It's an interesting thing when one jumps out in faith like this. Just think about it...I'm truly relying on God to supply my needs! My salary isn't guaranteed everyday. It's all based on how God moves individual people who partner with me to give joyfully to Him. Then He in turn blesses them and gives to me.
One should always rely on God even if they work a job with a full-blown salary. You don't earn your way, God blesses you with it. Don't just rejoice in your hard work, rejoice in His blessing! My old job was at a pharmacy delivering medications to people. It was only a minimum-wage job that BARELY paid the bills and there were a lot of times when I didn't even know how the next month's wave of expenses would be paid. Then...they were!
Stay tuned for another post coming shortly about some things I've been battling with, and as I preach to myself as a reminder of how God has and will always provide.
I don't normally talk about my life on these things by the way. That's not my style. I mention things and struggles, but the central part of why I write is to edify others with a message, not to just "tell them about me." If I want to just "reflect on me" I'll journal elsewhere or I'll go take a prayer walk or something. I just felt like I needed to say that.
You can donate to my cause, but if you want to know more I'd have to ask you to e-mail me at stimmons86@gmail.com. There I can give you the necessary information.
Thanks and God bless,
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